使用NSIS安装向导,生成脚本后,按F9后,居然提示:HM NIS Edit 2.0.3 Win32 Error. Code:740.请求的操作需要提升 一开始就出错了,还真不顺. 在网上搜索了一下,居然没有找到解决方案。 最后,灵机一动,会不会是权限不够。然后,就用管理员权限打开NSIS Edit ,打开文件进行编辑运行,居然,成功了。 哈哈,太高兴了...
一路前行 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. C#封装好的Win32API Kernel.cs
The system has failed to hibernate (The error code is %hs). Hibernation will be disabled until the system is restarted. ERROR_PWD_TOO_LONG 657 (0x291) The password provided is too long to meet the policy of your user account. Please choose a shorter password. ERROR_FILE_SYSTEM_...
The following Routing and Remote Access (RRAS) API error codes are defined in raserror.h. All error codes are supported in Windows 2000 or later versions of Windows unless specified otherwise.Palawakin ang talahanayan Return code/valueDescription PENDING 600 An operation is pending. ERROR_...
// pseudo code auto create_webview() { wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2; CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions(..., [&](HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Environment* env) -> HRESULT { env->CreateCoreWebView2Controller(..., [&](HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Controller* controlle...
..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_ra_dav\util.c(740) : error C2120: 'void' illegal with all types ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_ra_dav\util.c(749) : error C2120: 'void' illegal with all types fetch.c ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_ra_dav\fetch.c(458) : warning C4013: ...
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(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var data = ms.ToArray(); return data; } } } else { var error = Kernel32.GetLastError(); throw new Win32Exception((int)error); } } finally { // 回收资源。 Gdi32.SelectObject(cdc, oldHBitmap); Gdi32.DeleteObject((IntPtr)hBitmap); Gdi32.DeleteDC(cdc); ...
Hi I am getting the following error when trying to auto-enroll hybrid Ad joined devices to Intune. Auto MDM Enroll: Device Credential (0x0), Failed (Unknown Win32 Error code: 0x8018002b) I ran dsre...