Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map the value to a human-readable text message; when this is done, the Win32 error code is also known as a message identifier.The following table specifies the values and corresponding meanings of the Win32 error codes...
Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map the value to a human-readable text message; when this is done, the Win32 error code is also known as a message identifier.The following table specifies the values and corresponding meanings of the Win32 ...
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields
Win32 Error Code和NTSTATUS位域组成相同,但Win32 Error Code的取值范围只能在0x00000000---0x0000FFFF Win32 Error Code和COM Error Code,在高2位定义不同,设备来源值可能一样,但代表的设备不一样,设备来源值位数也不一样,但它们又可以互相转换。它们实际上的定义都是LONG型的,都是通过相关的API函数返回值返回...
Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map the value to a human-readable text message; when this is done, the Win32 error code is also known as a message identifier.The following table specifies the values and corresponding meanings of the Win32 error codes...
Win32ErrorCodes ThefollowingtableprovidesalistofWin32errorcodes. CodeDescriptionName 0Theoperationcompleted successfully. ERROR_SUCCESS 1Incorrectfunction.ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 2Thesystemcannotfindthefile specified. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 3Thesystemcannotfindthe pathspecified. ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 4Thesystemca...
WIN32_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT 0x00000421 The user account name specified in the user parameter does not exist. See win32_create_service(). WIN32_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL 0x0000041C The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service. WIN32_ERROR_PATH...
Win32 Error Code和COM Error Code,在高2位定义不同,设备来源值可能一样,但代表的设备不一样,设备来源值位数也不一样,但它们又可以互相转换。它们实际上的定义都是LONG型的,都是通过相关的API函数返回值返回来的,小于0时都代表着失败了。 具有相同格式的ntstatus和win32错误代码可能会使用相同的设施代码。然而,...
win32 中GetLastError 关于code与信息,〖0〗-操作成功完成。〖1〗-功能错误。〖2〗-系统找不到指定的文件。〖3〗-系统找不到指定的路径。〖4〗-系统无法打开文件。〖5〗-拒绝访问。〖6〗-句柄无效。〖7〗-存储控制块被损坏。〖8〗-存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。〖9〗-存
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the