为新密码提供的值不符合字符域的长度、复杂性或历史要求。 〖1326〗-登录失败: 未知的用户名或错误密码。 〖1327〗-登录失败: 用户帐户限制。 〖1328〗-登录失败: 违反帐户登录时间限制。 〖1329〗-登录失败: 不允许用户登录到此计算机。 〖1330〗-登录失败: 指定的帐户密码已过期。 〖1331〗-登录失败: 禁用当...
Error: Error API =LogonUser, error code = 1326, message = the user name or password is incorrect. But on my test server when I am trying to reproduce the issue it is not being reproduced. and the Installer is passing the logonuser stage without fail. Below is the line that checks for...
1336 There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation. Folder: [3]. System error code: [2] 1401 Could not create key: [2]. System error [3]. 1402 Could not open key: [2]. System error [3]. 1403 Could not delete value [2] from key [3...
一路前行 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. C#封装好的Win32API Kernel.cs
Example fromC/C++ code example: retrieving task status. Note Some Task Scheduler APIs can return system and network error codes (64 for example). You can check the definition of these types of error codes by using thenet helpmsgcommand in the command prompt window. For example, the commandn...
Test code and Nuitka options used importwinshellif__name__=="__main__":desktop=winshell.desktop()print(f"Desktop directory is{desktop}") python -m nuitka --standalone main.py Also tried--include-package=win32combut didn't make any difference. ...
# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1. # Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed. # You can get the latest version of this script from: # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config...
Error msg: Nuitka-Inclusion:INFO: Included 'zmq.utils.z85' as '<Node 'COMPILED_PYTHON_MODULE' with {'filename': 'C:\\Python38_V32\\lib\\site-packages\\zmq\\utils\\z85.py', 'module_name': <ModuleName zmq.utils.z85>, 'code_flags': ''}>'.Nuitka-Inclusion:INFO: Checking top ...
都付完尾款了吗? 可以空出小手手来逛逛腾讯云和DNSPod了吗?! D妹上周已经给各位小伙伴安排了一波...
Returns a system error code, which may include one of the following numeric values. Any other number indicates an error. For additional error codes, see WMI Error Constants or WbemErrorEnum.Success 0 5 Access is denied. 87 The parameter is incorrect. 110 The system cannot...