All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the HRESULT type specified in section 2.1) as well as 32-bit fields. Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map...
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the HRESULT type specified in section 2.1) as well as 32-bit fields. Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map...
总之,“unrecognized win32 error code”并不是一个神秘的错误,只要您耐心地查找错误代码的含义,并采取正确的措施,就能够轻松地解决这个问题。同时,为了避免出现类似的问题,我们建议大家注意保持系统和应用程序的最新版本,并及时升级和更新所使用的驱动程序。©...
Win32 Error Code和NTSTATUS位域组成相同,但Win32 Error Code的取值范围只能在0x00000000---0x0000FFFF Win32 Error Code和COM Error Code,在高2位定义不同,设备来源值可能一样,但代表的设备不一样,设备来源值位数也不一样,但它们又可以互相转换。它们实际上的定义都是LONG型的,都是通过相关的API函数返回值返回...
一、Win32错误 也就是Win32子系统产生的错误。当我们在自己的代码里调用Windows系统的API函数,系统执行API内部代码,当API内部代码出现错误,会将预先定义好的错误代码写到调用这个API的线程局部存储区域(这个区域是每个线程独有的其他线程无法更改。它存储着一些线程独有
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the HRESULT type specified in section 2.1) as well as 32-bit fields. Most values also have a default message defined, which can be ...
Win32 Error Code COM Error Code NTSTATUS的区别、转换,这三种码其实都是Windows系统错误码,只是对应不同API和使用场景。它们既有区别,又相互有联系。一、区别和联系都是32位值Win32ErrorCode和NTSTATUS位域组成相同,但Win32ErrorCode的取值范围只能在0x00000000---0x0
All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the HRESULT type specified in section 2.1) as well as 32-bit fields. Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to ...