〖1358〗-无法完成请求操作,因为磁盘上的严重介质失败或损坏。 〖1359〗-出现了内部错误。 〖1360〗-通用访问类型包含于已映射到非通用类型的访问掩码中。 〖1361〗-安全描述符格式不正确 (绝对或自相关的)。 〖1362〗-请求操作只限制在登录进程中使用。调用进程未注册为一个登录进程。 〖1363〗-无法使用已在使用...
一路前行 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. C#封装好的Win32API Kernel.cs
NOTE: Angle brackets replaced by parentheses to avoid XML conflicts. Update Privilege Schema administrator Update Frequency Whenever the object is moved. Attribute-Id 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1359 System-Id-Guid 1ea64e5d-ac0f-11d2-90df-00c04fd91ab1 Syntax Object(DN-Binary)...
Corrupted MAC on input.ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to x.x.x.x port 22: message authentication code incorrect Error details No response Environment data Name Value---PSVersion5.1.19041.2673PSEdition Desktop PSCompatibleVersions {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0...} BuildVersion10.0.19041.2673CLRVersion4.0....
网络适配器安装在系统中 InterfaceIndex --索引值唯一标识本地网络接口 LastErrorCode --报告的逻辑设备上一个错误代码 MACAddress --MAC地址 Manufacturer --制造商的名称 MaxNumberControlled --通过这个网络适配器支持直接寻址的端口的最大数量 MaxSpeed --最大速度,以每秒位数,为网络适配器 Name --适配器的名称...
"Error code : %u.", GetLastError()); } #endif /* WIN32_FIXME */ #ifdef HAVE_SECUREWARE (void)set_auth_parameters(ac, av); #endif __progname = ssh_get_progname(av[0]); /* Save argv. Duplicate so setproctitle emulation doesn't clobber it */ saved_argc = ac; rex...
Hi. My Microsoft Security Essentials Scan found Occamy.B this morning! I used Security Essentials' delete function to remove it but I'm worried the virus is still kicking around my drive. I did some malwarebytes scans after that but they didn't catch any
C#封装好的Win32API Kernel.cs
Country-Code Country-Name Create-Dialog Меткавременисоздания Create-Wizard-Ext Creation-Time Creation-Wizard Автор CRL-Object Список CRL Partitioned-Revocation-List Перекрестнаяпарасертификатов Current-Location Current-Parent-...
Attribute-Id 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1359 System-Id-Guid 1ea64e5d-ac0f-11d2-90df-00c04fd91ab1 Syntax Object(DN-Binary) Implementations Windows 2000 Server Windows Server 2003 ADAM Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows 2000 Server Expand table...