Debugging Host:Windows Server 2012 64-bit 当附加到目标服务器某个进程后,WinDbg x86(提示: unable to initialize target machine information win32 error 0n87 这是一个旧版本已知的bug,更新WinDbg版本即可(具体在哪一个版本修复并不清楚,我使用Windows SDK 8.0自带的6.2.9200.16384版本)。
Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit
如果你按上面指示跑了.cordll -ve -u -l收到了这样的信息: CLR DLL status: ERROR: Unable to load DLL mscordacwks_AMD64_x86_2.0.50727.3053.dll, Win32 error 0n87 这意味着您很可能使用64位调试器在64位系统上转储32位进程(在WoW64下运行),现在您正尝试使用64位调试器分析转储。这就是消息引用AMD64和...
Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit
Could not find the C:\Path to Dump]\memdump.dmp Dump File, Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit) I get an error: "DebugClient cannot open DumpFile - error ...