Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit
Dump file is too large to mapCould not open dump file [Dump-20070826-180338-1172-284-0.dmp], Win32 error0n87"The parameter is incorrect."Debuggee initialization failed, Win32 error 0n87"The parameter is incorrect." Post by Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]Can you use cdb.exe and then remote to it...
pub\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll\461F2E2A566000\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll init failure, Win32 error 0n87 CLR DLL status: ERROR: DLL c:\symbolspub\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll\461F2E2A566000\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll in...
CLR DLL status: ERROR: DLL C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ v4.0.30319\mscordacwks.dll init failure, Win32 error 0n87 说明32位、64位这个搞错了。 你可能抓了一个32位进程的dump。64位系统上的任务管理器中,32位进程的名字类似:w3wp.exe*32,后面带一个 *32 字样,它们是运行...
Could not find the C:\Path to Dump]\memdump.dmp Dump File, Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit) I get an error: "DebugClient cannot open DumpFile - error ...
Could not find the C:\Path to Dump]\memdump.dmp Dump File, Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit) I get an error: "DebugClient cannot open DumpFile - error...
CLR DLL status: ERROR: DLL c:\symbolspub\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll\461F2E2A566000\mscordacwks_x86_x86_2.0.50727.832.dll init failure, Win32 error 0n87 Interesting. We just confirmed the version we need of mscordacwks is different than the one ...