✅ Win11 Phase1_Initialization_Failed, startup repair could not find windows installation:Hi,I was using my computer as usual and suddenly had a BSOD, and then I wasn't able to startup afterwards. It gives me a BSOD of Phase1_Initialization...
2022-适用于 Windows 11 的 02 累积更新,适合基于 x64 的系统 (KB5010386) 下载错误 - 0x80070005 2022-02 用于 .NET Framework 3.5 和 4.8 的累积更新,适合基于 x64 的 Windows 11 (KB5009469) 安装错误 - 0x80070005 用win11助手,升级到win11。 ... Spritemilk Hello, 建议访问微软官网...
2024-12-05 10:39:45, Error MigPlatformStartupOnline caught exception: Win32Exception: Duplicate profile detected for S-1-5-21-1201449818-2005618561-566000817-1011. Abandoning.: 指定的用户没有一个有效的配置文件。 [0x000004E5] class Mig::CUserContext *__cdecl Mig::COnlineWinNTPlatform::Add...
I've currently installed Windows 11 pro education And there are so many problems on settings app, there are many settings which are showing that this setting is managed by your organiser how to fix it ANDi have updated my pc to latest version, still i am not...
There will be prompt to enter password, enter the password and removed the PIN. After the pin is removed, please click on Add to setup pin for the account. After setting up a new PIN, try to set up Windows Hello. Hope it helps. Regards, Noor Azam S Microsoft Community – Moderator...
I switch the machine ON, the HP logo appears with words like “Protected by HP Sure Start” appear. At the bottom of the screen, it says “Preparing Automatic Repair”. Then it shows the error message as in the picture images above. I press F8, ...
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.7+8-LTS-224, mixed mode, sharing) step2.i install neo4j, and add path. finally console fail C:\Users\smith>neo4j console Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.startup.Neo4jCommand ...
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 5986" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5986 # Restart WinRM, and set it so that it auto-launches on startup. cmd.exe /c net stop winrm cmd.exe /c sc.exe config winrm start= auto ...
def add(a, b): return a + b # 测试add()函数 def test_add(): assert add(2, 4) == 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 进入E:\jenkins\tomcat9\bin 目录,双击startup.bat文件运行 Tomcat,浏览器访问http://,进入Jenkins主页,进入 Jenkins 的 Simple task 首页,单击...
Enable-BitLockerC:-EncryptionMethodXtsAes256-TpmAndPinProtector-pin$pin-SkipHardwareTestAdd-TpmAndPinProtectorInternal: Group Policy settingsdonot permit the use of a PIN at startup. Please choose a different BitLocker startup option. (Exception from HRESULT:0x80310060) ...