✅ Win11 Phase1_Initialization_Failed, startup repair could not find windows installation:Hi,I was using my computer as usual and suddenly had a BSOD, and then I wasn't able to startup afterwards. It gives me a BSOD of Phase1_Initialization...
cmd.exe /c netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5986 "Port 5986" cmd.exe /c netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5985 "Port 5985" cmd.exe /c net stop winrm cmd.exe /c sc.exe config winrm start= auto cmd.exe /c net start winrm netsh firewall set service remotedesktop enable netsh.ex...
I recently upgrade my windows 10 laptop to windows 11 OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Home Single LanguageVersion: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 So in...
I switch the machine ON, the HP logo appears with words like “Protected by HP Sure Start” appear. At the bottom of the screen, it says “Preparing Automatic Repair”. Then it shows the error message as in the picture images above. I press F8, ...
There will be prompt to enter password, enter the password and removed the PIN. After the pin is removed, please click on Add to setup pin for the account. After setting up a new PIN, try to set up Windows Hello. Hope it helps. Regards, Noor Azam S Microsoft Community – Moderator...
# Print results# 打印检测到的类别数量forcindet[:,-1].unique():n = (det[:,-1] == c).sum()# detections per classs +='%g %ss, '% (n, names[int(c)])# add to string # Write results# 保存预测结果for*xyxy, conf, clsindet:ifsave_txt:# Write to file# 将xyxy(左上角+右下...
I have now tried several times (since autumn 21), waited for the next build, no help. My upgrade always ends with freezing during the lenovo startup...
SelectStartmenu andSettings. SelectUpdate & Security. SelectWindows Security. Check underDevice security. How to enable TPM inside BIOS: SelectUpdate & Securityunder WindowsSettings. SelectRecovery. ChooseRestart nowunderAdvanced startup. SelectTroubleshoot. ...
Enable-BitLockerC:-EncryptionMethodXtsAes256-TpmAndPinProtector-pin$pin-SkipHardwareTestAdd-TpmAndPinProtectorInternal: Group Policy settingsdonot permit the use of a PIN at startup. Please choose a different BitLocker startup option. (Exception from HRESULT:0x80310060) ...
Status Name DisplayName---Stopped ssh-agentOpenSSH Authentication Agent# 手动开启服务Set-Service-Namessh-agent-StartupTypeManualStart-Servicessh-agent 增加key时报错Bad permissions. Try removing permissions for user balabala 原因:私钥权限太低,建议重新生成...