As I saw from my last virtual machine explorer patcher + 7tt gives the old functionality for the latest version of win11... However with the next version it seems it will be gone... Do they really need to torture us so much???
I too am unable to get WSL2 to work with VirtualBox. I'm running Ubuntu on both WSL and VB. When WSL2 is enabled and I start my Ubuntu in VB, I get a blank rectangular screen with a rapidly blinking cursor, which persists indefinitely. Of course, I configured HyperV for the VB V...
startup.exe 这个程序位于"c:\program files\starup"目录下.删除它后重启又会出现.查询注册 联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup, 4、如果依旧没有反应,我们按F12进到BIOS里,在STARTUP选项里,把QUICK换成diagnostic。5、然后重新启动一次就可以解决联想电脑开机显示To interrup... 装备能卖钱的传奇,刀刀切...