Maligned by some as a rhetorical trickster and acknowledged by many as conservatism's most skillful advocate, William F. Buckley, Jr., adapted his discourse to his guest and to his mode of communication in his televised discussion with Madalyn Murray O'Hair on Firing Line. He insidiously ...
Maligned by some as a rhetorical trickster and acknowledged by many as conservatism's most skillful advocate, William F. Buckley, Jr., adapted his discourse to his guest and to his mode of communication in his televised discussion with Madalyn Murray O'Hair on Firing Line. He insidiously ...
STATEMENT BY MRS. RONALD REAGAN ON THE DEATH OF WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY Los Angeles, California – I was deeply saddened this morning when I learned of Bill Buckley’s death. He and his wife Pat were dear friends of ours for a long long time. Ronnie valued Bill’s counsel throughout his po...
Video: Neil Young’s Amazing Speech to the Recording Industry –‘The idea is, for me, to try to get magic’ January 23, 2014 Listen: Stream The Hold Steady’s New Song, ‘I Hope This Whole Thing Didn’t Frighten You’ January 23, 2014 Listen: Stream Miles Davis’ ‘Spani...
We need to remember that at thus point we still do not have a clear picture of what John XXIII meant so that the contention that Catholic conservatives may be mistaken, confused or embarrassed by the encyclical seems like a gratuitous slap.doi:10.1080/01463376909368902MaderThomas F.Todays Speech...