3 Air Marshal William R. MacBrien OBE, CD August 1967 January 1969 4 Lieutenant-General Frederick Ralph Sharp CMM, DFC, CD January 1969 September 1969 Chief of the Defence Staff (1969–1972) 5 Lieutenant-General Edwin Reyno September 1969 August 1972 Chief of Personnel of the Canadian Force...
TeaPartyprotestersfilltheWestLawn oftheU.S.CapitolandtheNational MallattheTaxpayerMarchon WashingtononSeptember12,2009. FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia TheTeaPartymovement(TPM)isanAmericanpopulist [1][2][3] political movementthatisgenerallyrecognizedasconservativeandlibertarian, [4] and hassponsoredprotests...