So, the answer is thatmostemployees are now exempt. Of course, the new guidelines say that an employer must provide“objectively observable"proof that weed may be affecting an employee's job performance, so this still opens a bit of a gray area in some cases. However, theDOLhas strict rul...
Bart R. Johnson, federal security director for Albany International Airport and 14 nearby airports, explained that although weed remains federally illegal, busting people for pot is not a priority for security officers. And now that New York finally legalizedadult-use cannabisthis spring, Transportatio...
Pinball was banned in New York for quite a while, and though it was eventually legalized, one must put their gaming on-hold on Sundays. 9. Looks Like You Won't Be Making Burgers at Your Next BBQ Getty Images 9. Looks Like You Won't Be Making Burgers at Your Next BBQ It is illegal...
Marijuana has been legalized to varying degrees in 35 states, but since sale, distribution, and possession remain illegal federally, U.S. banks face risks in doing business with the cannabis industry. According to the American Bankers Association, any money that can be traced back to a marijuana...
Marijuana will almost certainly be decriminalized under a Democratic Congress and a Biden presidency, but it remains up in the air whether weed will be legalized.