I will be 5 minutes late.(O) 我從小就認識他了。 I know him since I was a child.(X) I have known him since I was a child.(O) 臉書今年已經賺了64億。 Facebook already gets $6.4 billion this year.(X) Facebook already got $6.4 billion this year.(O) Solution:熟悉過去式動詞和完成...
will 和 be going to 都是「將要」,兩者代表的意義竟然不太一樣!快進到影片搞懂這兩個用法的差異吧! 跟著希平方攻其不背,文法問題不再困難
Nancy: Yes, it must be hard to walk on ice. Sam: It sure is!It’s hard to drive on ice, too. Key Words sunny (adj) [ˋsʌnɪ] 陽光普照的;晴朗的 It’s very bright and sunny outside today. sunburn (n) [ˋsʌn͵bɝn] 皮膚曬傷 ...