由於be之後的punished/criticized屬於p.p(過去分詞),於是這個be會翻譯為「被」。 4. Be= 中(進行中) 背後Grammar rule: 因為be+Ving 是進行式(進行中)的固定形態。 例1: They were eating fishes then(那時). Be的後面是Ving,所以應翻譯成「正在…中」。全句翻譯成:他們那時「正在吃魚中」。 另外翻譯...
原形 過去式 過去分詞eat ate eatensee saw seengive gave givenfall fell fallendo did donego went gonetake took takenmistake mistook mistakenbe(am.is.are) was/ were beenride rode/rəud/ ridden/ridn/write wrote written/ritn/forbid forbade forbidden四、ABB型...
動詞原形過去式過去分詞動詞原形過去式過去分詞 A-B-C13.paypaidpaid 1.swimswamswum14.sellsoldsold 2.speakspokespoken15.telltoldtold 3.gowentgone16.buyboughtbought 4.dodiddone17.teachtaughttaught 5.bewas/werebeen18.havehadhad 6.taketooktakenA-B-A ...
If he can come, I will be happy.(如果他能來的話,我會很高興。) 2. 與現在事實相反的假設語氣 a. 使用本假設語氣時,if 子句的動詞用過去式,主要子句則用過去式助動詞。句型如下: If + 主詞 + 過去式動詞, 主詞 + would / could / might / should / ought to + 原形動詞 ...
英語FUN早餐 been 和 gone 都是過去分詞,have been to+place和have gone to+place都是使用現在完成式(have+p.p.),代表截至目前為止已經完成的動作。 不過have been to代表去過某地又回來,指一段已經完成的...
請看Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English whichever 條下例句 : Whichever player scores the highest number of points will be the winner ( 取得最高分數的參賽者 , 就算獲勝 ) 。這一句也沒有用 that 或 who 。 Mike invited him over, anxious not to let him out of his sight ( 麥克恐怕看不...
He will show them that he is true to his words. 他將讓他們看到他是說話算話的。 S+~+ pron./n. +wh-clause Show me where your leg hurts. 告訴我你的腿哪裡疼。 用作賓補動詞: S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) n./adj. He showed himself to be a dishonest rascal. ...
這個句子的主幹部分無非是We will also accept a transport document, 即“銀行將接受運費單據”, 此其壹; 後面跟了壹句做定語用的issued by. . . 過去分詞結構, 修飾先行詞document, 意即由誰來出具單據, 此其二。第三, evidencing that. . . 仍然是定語成分, 修飾前面的document; document 和evidence 之間...
adj.獻身的; 忠誠的; 摯愛的; 專心的 v.獻身於…; 致力於…(devote的過去分詞) 查看完整釋義 場景例句 Hedevotedhis life to literature. 他專心致志於文學. He married well and happily and was adevotedfather and husband. 他婚姻美滿幸福,是位盡職盡責的父親,忠實的丈夫. ...