The present study performed widely targeted metabolomics analysis based on the HPLC-MS/MS technology to analyze the metabolic profiles in three sweet corn cultivars widely grown in China. A total of 568 metabolites in the three sweet corn cultivars were detected, of which 262 differential ...
Widely Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Metabolites Important for Antioxidant Properties and Quality Traits in Different Fruit Parts of Aurantii Fructus Immatures doi:10.3390/molecules29081733Aurantii Fructus Immaturesquality evaluationmetabolic profilingantioxidant activitychemometricsIn traditional Chinese medicine...
To investigate the metabolic changes during testis development, we performed three testis developmental stages (three-month-old, sexually immature; one-year-old, sexually mature; and three-year-old, adult) for widely-targeted metabolic analysis using a UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics approach. A multi...
Widely-targeted metabolomics was integrated with the e-tongue and multivariate regression to illustrate changes in chemical profiles and taste quality of Yunnan Arabica coffee beans, and elucidate relation of taste quality with chemical composition. We aim to provide comprehensive insight into the roles ...
Different LAB had different effects on the metabolomic profile of RRT juice.L. plantarumled to a sharp rise in the indole-3-lactic acid content of RRT juice.L. paracaseiled to a significant rise in the total flavonoid content of RRT juice.LAB fermentation greatly enhanced the α-glucosidase ...
Environmental sensitivity and high-turnover rates of resistant taxa provide an opportunity to manipulate the composition of the human gut microbiota through targeted perturbations and replacements. Because of the therapeutic relevance of Clostridia endospores [11,12,13,14, 23], determining the exact ...
Widely targeted metabolomics analysis reveals differences in volatile metabolites among four Angelica speciesdoi:10.1007/s13659-024-00485-5AngelicaVolatile metabolitesChinese traditional medicinePhylogenyAngelica L. has attracted global interest for its traditional medicinal uses and commercial values. However, ...
Widely Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Reveals the Effect of Cultivation Altitude on Tea Metabolitesdoi:10.3390/agronomy14040812TEA growingLIQUID chromatography-mass spectrometryMETABOLOMICSMASS transfer coefficientsCultivation altitude is a comprehensive environmental factor that significantly affects...
Widely targeted metabolomics analysis reveals the effect of fermentation on the chemical composition of bee pollenHuifang Zhang aQun Lu a b cRui Liu a b c d
Widely targeted metabolomics reveals differences in metabolites of Paeonia lactiflora cultivarsdoi:10.1371/journal.pone.0298194CYTOKININSPHENOLIC acidsMETABOLOMICSMETABOLITESCULTIVARSPLANT metabolitesORNAMENTAL plantsPRINCIPAL components analysisIntroduction: Paeonia lactiflora contains diverse active constitue...