Why were some Asian nations able to resist European imperialism? Why was the American Anti-Imperialist League against imperialism? Why is imperialism important to history? Why did some Americans oppose imperialism? Why did the U.S. begin the Age of Imperialism?
Why did the U.S. support the Bay of Pigs Invasion? Why did the members of the Anti-Imperialist league oppose the annexation of the Philippines? Why did Fidel Castro want to overthrow Batista? Why did Cubans flee the island after the revolution?
once.Ontheotherhand,theantiimperialistmeasuresadopted bytheRomeEmpirewereinheritedbythecountriesinthepost Romeera.AfterthedefeatoftheRomeEmpire,theGermanic tribesdidnotactivelystudythefineliteratureofRomeand Greece InsteadofinheritinganddevelopingChristianity,italso ...
When challenged over such provocations, North Korean officials are in the habit of doubling down on the vitriol and accusing the United States of being an imperialist aggressor. Even now, after years of tension that have culminated in an alarming standoff, most Americans and other Westerners are ...
(I’ll only name one – Donald Trump, who commented: ‘I think that’s horrible. It doesn’t get worse.’) Lately, people have been amusing themselves by unearthing all those pious thinkpieces from the immediate aftermath – like the one that, after observing that the police were treating...
they’ve been allowing their governments and troops as INVADERS to do to the rest of the world everyday. But still, they are bewildered about why we are hostile to them when they pretend to be virtuous with garbage political correctness buffs like “socialist/communist/anti-racist/imperialist”...
“What is alien to the continent is legalized homophobia, exported to Africa by the imperialists where there had been indifference to and even tolerance of same-sex relations.” Dr. Sylvia Tamale Therefore, Uganda’s new anti-LGBTQ bill is not only a crime against humanity but un-African. ...
socialists against the liberals - not only in England, where the Webbs and their Fabians were outspoken imperialists, or in Germany, where state socialism and colonial expansionism went together and found the support of the same group of "socialists of the chair," but also in the United ...
The second Saturday after the bigQuerdenker(‘lateral thinking’) demonstrations in Berlin and many other German cities, thousands of anti-vaxxers, neo-imperialists, proto-fascists, hippies and Christian fundamentalists were still flocking to the streets in protest. That same week, the Moria detent...
Chinese people who were celebrating the Spring Festival might have missed the report, but the problems it revealed are deep. Why does the Japanese embassy fund the spreading of anti-Chinese propaganda? Generally speaking, the responsibility of an embassy is to handle political, economic, military ...