And of course by saying these things are used in the same way I do not mean to imply that “anti-wokeism” is equal in value to the struggle for social justice. It absolutely is the case that there are disadvantaged groups in our society who do need to be uplifte...
domestically in tearing apart the welfare state accomplishments by democratic 18 | P a g e Richard Brosio forces in the wake of the Great Depression, and in foreign policy by backing the use of various military responses against real and alleged threats to Western capitalism and neoimperialism. ...
Significantly, 1898 was the year when imperialism reached its apogee. Imperial China was tottering and the powers were drawing lines on maps preparing to carve up Eastern Asia as they had just done the decade before with Africa. The Pacific islands also had been...
Firstly, those such as Benn and Hurd (who, incidentally was rewarded with a large bonus from his employers, Nat West, for handling the negotiations for a lucrative agreement whereby Nat West handled the financial aspects of the privatisation of the Serbian Telecommunications Company) argue that the...
From the beginning, Rage Against the Machine espoused revolutionary politics in their music, rebuking capitalism, imperialism and government oppression. Some people considered their leftist politics hypocritical, seeing as they were signed to Epic Records, a Sony subsidiary, and they made millions off ...
The doctrine was referred to as “imperial anti-colonialism” by American historian William Appleman Williams, who saw it as a manifestation of American imperialism. According to Noam Chomsky, the U.S. administration has utilized the Monroe Doctrine as a proclamation of hegemony and a ...
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first U.S. law designed to prevent monopolies from using their power to gain unfair advantages.5Congress enacted it in 1890 when monopolies were known as "trusts," or groups of companies that would work together to fix prices. The Supreme Court later ruled...
There are two main causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Both are responsible for a general rise in prices in an economy, but they each work differently.