Elchingen, in the German state of Bavaria is not used toforeigners. And when townspeople in the...Llana, Sara Miller
It was signed by Bernard Weissman, who was chairman of the American Fact-finding Committee, a completely fictitious entity. Weissman turned out to be a member of a right-wing coterie formed by three American servicemen in Germany; like Oswald and General Walker, the members of the group had ...
The Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and the State was one of a series of key decrees, legislative acts, and case law in the gradual process by which the Nazi leadership moved Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship....
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked why it is that the Woke won’t seem to have a debate or discussion about their views, and I’ve been meaning to write something about it for ages, probably a year at this point. Surely you’ll have noticed that they don’t tend...
Guilt Not Definitively Established All of the individuals charged as part of the Black Friday crackdown pleaded guilty to at least one offense. Despite the whopping array of charges against them, sometimes carrying maximum possible prison time of multiple decades, the longest sentence meted out was...
My commitment to stay on for a while was limited to a year. With this issue I will have completed half that tour of duty. And I feel that the Association has not made the concerted effort necessary to bring to our ranks more younger Taro Leafers. Those who served in Germany, Lebanon,...
To begin with, we consider the potential individuals’ threat appraisal of knowledge sharing based on PMT [1]. PMT was initially created to help us grasp individuals’ reactions to fear appeals and has been adopted to explain individuals’ security or privacy protection in previous studies [30,...