To finance this plan, Alex decides to rob a bank, but the plan goes awry. As it addresses the themes of guilt, redemption and fate, the film keeps you on the edge of your seat and gives you a good glimpse into a side of Austria that you may never get to see! 7.“Die Bitteren ...
the country for which so many German artists of his time were yearning. In Paris, he seems to have been a frequent visitor of the legendaryCafé de la Régence; in his biography he mentions the meeting with Aaron Alexandre there, a rabbi born in Germany, who emigrated to France during the...
In his closing speech to the Tribunal, Justice Jackson summarized the evidence supporting the guilt of the defendants, concluding with the following peroration: "It is against such a background that these defendants now ask this Tribunal to say that they are not guilty of planning, executing or...
but were instead positioned right at the front for attack, which made it possible for us to quickly encircle large Soviet forces. Thus, in the first weeks of the war, we were able to capture more than three million prisoners of war as well...
In Germany, the memory of the Nazi Reich permeates every discussion of biotechnology and genetics. Guilt and shame for the Nazi period, along with the post-Holocaust imperative of “Never Again,” bear heavily on Germany’s national conscience, and have combined to make Germans of all political...
Between the two lies the emancipation of Faust from the torment of his conscious guilt, lies his Lethe, his assimilation of the past. In regard to substance, the first part begins religiously, becomes metaphysical, and terminates ethically; the second part begins ethnically, becomes aesthetic, ...
It is a Sühneopfer, a sacrifice being said to smoothen guilt, and leading to civil peace. There remains the association of Sühneopfer, sacrifice of atonement, with the aesthetics of what some regard as “Jewish.”FNW: In post-Shoah German memorial culture the sacred icon is shifted to ...
With Germany’s defeat in 1918, the German military blamed the Schlieffen Plan as flawed and the cause of their defeat. The victoriousAllieslooked upon the Schlieffen Plan as the source of German aggression against neutral countries, and it became the basis of war guilt and reparations. Both ...
(c.1200), fromYvain; ou, le chevalier au lion. These works created a new structure for narrative and with it a new conception of the destiny of the hero: his education and gradual achievement of ethical perfection through makingamendsfor shameful conduct, expunging guilt, resisting temptation,...
(c.1200), fromYvain; ou, le chevalier au lion. These works created a new structure for narrative and with it a new conception of the destiny of the hero: his education and gradual achievement of ethical perfection through makingamendsfor shameful conduct, expunging guilt, resisting temptation,...