Canadian Dollar to New Turkish Lira conversion rateExchange Rates shown are estimates, vary by a number of factors including payment and payout methods, and are subject to change. Money Transfers At Your Fingertips With The Western Union® App ...
Martina Bozadzhieva
Aside from the impact a potential Turkish debt crisis may have on European markets and financial institutions, which could have a rippling effect on other global markets, the falling lira also matters because it helps to further depress an already-weakened euro and further strengthen the U.S. do...
For now, it’s worth noting here that even the Turkish lira and the Indian rupee are getting pulled into the contagion from Russia’s financial crisis, despite what lower oil and other commodity import prices mean for their current accounts and inflation rates. It’s an important lesson. It...
股东积极主义正在上升,最显著的结果是增加了股东的现金回报。Shareholder activism is rising and the most salient outcome is increased cash returns to shareholders. 去年,回购和股息的总支付额升至创纪录的水平,目前正在进行的盈利季可能会带来另一个记录。Total payouts from buybacks and dividends rose to reco...
spacious sandy beaches well supplied with lounge chairs and lively seaside cafes, it checks all the boxes for the perfect seaside holiday. With the dollar strong against the Turkish lira, cost-conscious families can vacation in high style while relaxing in the knowledge that they're getting maximu...