The bulk of Turkey's reserves are borrowed,The Turkish central bank uses currency-swap agreements, through which banks and foreign governments sell dollars and euros in exchange for lira for a limited time. Burumcekci估计,不包括这些掉期交易,土耳其的外汇储备为负580亿美元。Excluding those swaps, Tu...
including Turkey. The latest “tantrum” has been more about falling commodity prices, largely due to the slowdown in China’s massive investment boom, along with weakness in Japan, Europe, and much of the emerging world. As a result, the demand for commodities – particularly oil (where a ...
Turkey’s massive debt obligation to other countries is evident in the extraordinarily large percentage of itsdebtthat is denominated in foreign currencies. As the lira continues to weaken, this foreign debt becomes increasingly difficult and expensive for Turkey to manage, which should further exacerba...
long a dream destination of mine. Greece is also an obvious choice for a family trip because it meets two of my key goals: visiting spectacular historical sites and beautiful beaches. But the more I researched, the more a different destination -- Turkey's Turquoise Coast -- seemed a...