Like cigarette smoking , vaping is addictive , making it difficult to quit. And while vaping has a reputation as a teen habit , an estimated 5.7 million American adults are vaping too. Quitting might be tough , but the benefits make it worth the effort. Here ' s a rundown of the healt...
117 recent reasons to stop vaping e-cigarettes Is Biden “Cancer Moonshot” already lost in space? National Cancer Institute quit smoking advice promotes cancer Use tobacco, smoke or vape? Test your cancer IQ. More real-world evidence that NRT doesn't work ...
Dehydration: Headaches are often a symptom of dehydration, which can be exacerbated by two of the main components of e-liquids: propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). These ingredients arehygroscopic; they absorb water. This is why vaping is often linked to dehydration and itsrelate...
Hyping the harms of e-cigarettes or banning the types of flavours that may broaden their appeal could seriously undermine their potential as tools to help people stop smoking. “As long as smokers believe that vaping is as dangerous or more dangerous than smoking, many of them are ...
Today's growing toll of deaths and serious illnesses associated with vaping represents just the latest variation on an age-old theme: our propensity to willfully inhale substances that damage our lungs.
Want to quit smoking, stop vaping e-cigs or end smokeless tobacco use? Welcome to WhyQuit, home to abrupt nicotine cessation.
根据第一段中的“United States health officials are urging people to stop using electronic cigarettes, known as e-cigarettes. The call to action came after such products were linked to health problems. Five deaths have also been reported.” 美国卫生官员敦促人们停止使用电子烟。在这些产品被发现与...
Tobacco smoking remains a key cause of preventable illness and death globally. In response, many countries provide extensive services to help people to stop smoking by offering a variety of effective behavioural and pharmacological therapies. However, ma
(蒸气) that the user takes in.That is why using e-cigarettes is often called "vaping". Because e-cigarettes don't burn tobacco,people don't take in the same amount of tar (焦油) and carbon monoxide(CO) as they would with a regular cigarette.But anyone using e-cigare...
But, instead of a quit day, let’s rework it and establish 2018 as a quit year, which gives you plenty of time to shore up your plans for quitting, and explore all the best possible options to make you a successful quitter. Consider vape pen selection at as the smoking...