Any time is a good time to stop smoking. Only, if you want to quit and stay quit, most experts agree that you should take a more organized and meticulous approach. Establishing a “quit day” – the day when you start not smoking – is the first step you should take, but it’s no...
Why we should regulate vapingA Jalil Hamid
When shopping for a THC vape pen, you should keep a few things in mind: 1. You’ll want to ensure the pen has a wide range of temperature settings so you can customize your vaping experience. 2. Be sure to find a pen with a built-in battery so you don’t have to carry...
Pivot’s 1-year quit smoking rate is not 44% August 2023 Cytisinicline stop smoking rate quintuples placebo? July 2023 Why NRT should not be provided free of charge June 2023 Were you a smoker before you started vaping? May 2023
You don’t have to quit now (we’ll get to that part soon). But once you do, you can’t smoke ever again. Make peace with that. You don’t have to like this advice, but for your own sake, you should make peace with it. ...
Vaping has been getting something of a bad name of late. Countries worldwide are considering restrictions and bans. But, as a way to help smokers quit, e-cigarettes are an important tool that we shouldn't dismiss. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently ...
Stop smoking counsellors should be aware that receiving financial incentives can increase confidence and self-esteem and recipients can feel valued and rewarded. Supporting and enhancing those feelings may lead to a stop smoking attempt being potentially a powerful and transformative experience, as report...
Health risk information was shared with the public. Warning labels were added. And people were able to make their own informed choices about tobacco use. As a result, many peoplequit smokingwhen they became aware of the risks to their health. And many policies changed to help ...
Yet there are claims6.1 million Europeanshave quit by vaping. Such "big" numbers do not withstand scrutiny. The 6.1 million number comes from a cross-sectional "snap-shot" survey where ex-smokers reported they used to smoke, then used e-cigarettes and now don't smoke. Were it only that ...
Oftentimes, patients who are trying to quit tobacco instead get addicted to nicotine through vaping, sometimes even more so than with cigarettes, according to Christensen. That’s because vapes are easier to use and are often used indoors rather than outside on smoke breaks, she said. Nicotine...