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Why privacy matters 2,897,873views| Glenn Greenwald| TEDGlobal 2014 • October 2014 Glenn Greenwald was one of the first reporters to see -- and write about -- the Edward Snowden files, with their revelations about the United States' extensive surveillance of private citizens. In this ...
Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters [TED video]Singularity Weblog
he faced personal repercussions for his professional work — yet continues to speak publicly about mass surveillance. In this searing talk, Greenwald makes the case for why privacy matters.
In this searing talk, Glenn Greenwald makes the case for why you need to care about privacy, even if you’re “not doing anything you need to hide.”
Oct 2014 TEDGlobal 2014 Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters 20:37Oct 2014 TEDGlobal 2014 Dilip Ratha: The hidden force in global economics: sending money home 16:59Oct 2014 TEDGlobal 2014 Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era 13:24Oct 2014 TED@Unilever Meaghan Ramsey:...
Kio Stark是“ 陌生人见面会 ”中的TED书的作者 ,她在书中主张与不认识的人说话的乐趣和变革的可能性。 除了陌生人,Kio Stark的恪守的注意力包括技术的不可见性; 人们如何学习; 慷慨和互助的做法; 城市的文化,基础设施和ep;; 神话和童话故事; 倡导自主学习,数据素养,社会正义和女性主义。小说作家可以潜入美妙...
You may have already experienced the dogs and babies principle. It can be awkward to talk to someone on the street; you don t know how they re going to respond. But you can always talk to their dog or their baby. The dog or the baby is a social conduit to the person, and you ca...
The rehearsal took place in the TED office in New York, in front of a friendly but intimidating semi-circle of TED senior staff. I went through what I had, and it went okay until the last five minutes of the talk. I really didn’t like that part of the script, and during the rehe...
In the TED talk entitled “creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits” Navi Radjou defined frugal innovation as “the ability to create more economic and social value using fewer resources. Frugal innovation is not about making do; it’s about making things better.” Indian people...