Your mind is precious. It has the power to unlock infinite possibilities. Joel Annesley Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. ...
Christof Koch
Robots can inspire fear. Human beings are trained from birth by Hollywood to be afraid of them—the latest incarnation of the ancient tale of the inventor who loses control of his creation. And even if robots are not literally the murderous machines of the “Terminator” films, they can kill...
Why is it that on paper the drive for organisation seems a sure shot for increasing productivity, but in reality falls well short of what is expected? C This has been a problem for a while now. Frederick Taylor was one of the forefathers of scientific management. Writing in the first ...
which structures our perception of reality. The symbolic agency of the paternal prohibition (the “Name of the Father”) merely personifies, gives body to, the impossibility which is co-substantial with the very fact of the symbolic order –“jouissance is forbidden to him who speaks as such....
aIn term of Expectancy Theory, the reality is irrelevant, the perception of performance, reward, and goal outcomes, not the outcomes themselves is the most crucial factor for motivation, why? What does it mean for management practices? 在期望理论的期限,现实是毫不相关的,表现,奖励的悟性,并且目标...
A final point raised is the belief that in case real ‘carbon bubble’ risks materialise, governments will have to bail out holders of fossil fuel assets to prevent collapse. Such investors’ perception is supported from the history of the financial crisis starting with the rescue of American In...
The reality is very different because this approach is often “too little, too late” and so you end up dealing with the symptoms of performance problems rather than the cause. Performance Measurement So how do we go about measuring performance? We’ve discussed end-user perception, but in ...
Logic or emotion? Ethical or the perception of ethics and morality? Research shows that choosingnotto push the man off the bridge created the most trusting impression on others. Those who did choose to push the man off the bridge, but only after finding the decision difficult, were trusted ...
“And then it communicates very readily to bystanders what my emotional state is. It has that advantage of emotional efficiency — it’s very quick and clear.” A universal language What makes the use of naughty words so powerful? The power of the taboo, of course. That reality is ...