Perception is not reality, but, admittedly, perception can become a person’s reality (there is a difference) because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality. Think of it this way. Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we...
Multisensory perception: Our brain has the ability to perceive multiple senses at once. This helps to triangulate messages from the senses to ensure our perception of reality is accurate. For instance, watching someone’s lips move while hearing speech can give secondary confirmation that we’re h...
Perception is Not Reality: The FCPA, Brazil, and the Mismeasurement of Corruption Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") enforcement actions by the U.S. government. International corpo... SV Campbell - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》...
NeuroscientistKarl Friston of University College, London developed a prediction model of the brain that asserts the reason your perception of the character depends upon context is that our brains do not perceive objective reality, but ourpredictionof reality: when our brain expects n...
“false consensus effect”: An egocentric bias in social perception and attribution processes.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,13, 279–301.We assume that whatever quirks we have are shared by a larger number of people than in reality. People who take office supplies home, tell white ...
Perception is Reality - The Psychology of Performance Management. BMC Software, Inc. Performance management is the most thankless job. If performance is good, the perception is that you are not needed. If response time is lagging, you are a failure. Even when the measurements look good, if ...
Everyone, even the most enlightened person, is a prisoner within their own conscious and unconscious experience of (perceived) reality. Discover theneurosciencebehind how this works. How we view and interpret the world and its inhabitants is dictated by our genes as well as the physical and socia...
the system of philosophical idealism developed by George Berkeley (1685?-1753), especially his tenet that the physical world does not have an independent reality but exists as a perception of the divine mind and the flnite mind of man. AlsoBerkeleyism.—Berkeleian, Berkeleyan,n., adj. ...
depth psychology depth sounder Depthen depthless Depucelate Depudicate Depulse Depulsion Depulsory depurant depurate depuration depurative depurator Depuratory Depure Depurgatory Depurition deputable deputation Deputator depute deputise deputization ...
Performance management is the most thankless job. If performance is good, the perception is that you are not needed. If response time is lagging, you are a failure. Even when the measurements look good, if the end user is unhappy, again, you have failed to meet your goals. Managing ...