What is the significance of Hebrew monotheism? Why is the New Testament important to Christianity? How has Judaism evolved into a culture? Why is Judaism matrilineal? How does the Torah differ from the Old Testament? How is the Torah related to the Covenant?
Why were the Vikings important in the Middle Ages? Why is monotheism important in world history? Why is history important? Why is the development of monotheism important in world history? Why is hierarchy important in any society in world history?
The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of
Monotheism is not about religiously "believing" in some distant deity, some Prime Mover or some Puppet Master, but about understanding the Oneness of All Things. It's about the stubborn refusal to reject anything (that God found necessary to create). It's about the subsequent zeal to accept...
One morning in November 1954, Professor Katsh, during his lecture, argued with irrefutable logic that the monotheism taught by Moses (peace be upon him) and the Divine Laws reveled to him were indispensable as the basis for all higher ethical values. If morals were purely man-made, as the...
Everyone (whether theist or atheist) who studies pre-modern atheism is excited when we find evidence of it. This is because secularization, this brave new world in which atheism is both commonplace and legal, is an essential characteristic of the modern Western world, one of its unique features...
The Torah itself makes this point very clearly. Jacob is raising the next generation of the Jewish people, bringing to the world the message of Ethical Monotheism. And the key character in that picture is his son Joseph, who is kidnapped by his own brothers and sent down to Egypt. Imagine...
Understand and define monotheism, describe Judaism, and discover whether Judaism is monotheistic. Discover the beliefs, practices, and goal of Judaism. Related to this Question Why is the Book of Judges called Judges? Why are there two introductions to Book of Judges?
Why is the Book of Chronicles important? Why is Roman mythology important? Who are the 12 disciples? What does apostle mean? Why is monotheism more popular than polytheism? Who is the apostle Paul in the New Testament? Why are there Christian denominations?
In the Bible, why is the book of Romans so important? Why is the Quran important? Why do Jews celebrate Sukkot? Why was Psalms written in the Bible? Why is Maccabees not in the Bible? What is the significance of Hebrew monotheism? Why are candles significant during Shabbat? Who led...