Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people, which goes back thousands of years. It is one of the world's oldest surviving religions, and one of the earliest examples of monotheistic belief systems in history. Answer and Explanation:
Specifically, we focus on the world's three major monotheistic religions:Judaism, Islam and Christianity, whose adherents, who mostly live in developing countries, collectively constitute more than 55% of the world population. Is god the same in all religions?
Understand and define monotheism, describe Judaism, and discover whether Judaism is monotheistic. Discover the beliefs, practices, and goal of Judaism. Related to this Question Why is the Book of Judges called Judges? Why are there two introductions to Book of Judges?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are major monotheistic religions. We all have one God, but we evidently don’t share the same rules about how God wants us to behave. So when we stick up for our religious beliefs, we’re like children on a playground taunting, “My God is righter than ...
Judaism and Hinduism, two ancient and diverse religions, may seem worlds apart at first glance. One rooted in the monotheistic traditions of the Middle East, and the other flourishing on the Indian subcontinent with its… Read Post →
I feel like I am not the only one to whom it was a surprise that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are derivatives of the same book. There are overlapping characters and storylines and the basic tenets are pretty much the same. What is different is who the agreed prophets are (if any) ...
a fire, and Nimrod the fire-worshiper (=Zoroaster) as the evil king who cast Abraham into the flames, the authors of the midrash reverse the (apparently) popular association between Abraham, the “true” monotheistic prophet, and Zoroaster, who is now pictured as an evil, idolatrous king....
A similar moral critique is carried out in contemporary Persian religion by the prophet Zoroaster (Zaraθuštra); and Judaism, over a period of time, undergoes a similar process, as the Prophets represent God requiring just and holy actions. Some Classicists, perhaps influenced by Nietzsche, ...
and equally so to the two other monotheistic religions of the age, Judaism and Christianity. Had seventh-century versions of today’s religious censors had their way, the twenty-first-century versions may still have been fulminating against offensive speech, but it certainly would not have been ...
“Sort-of,” the question of whether or not there is a divine force and/or being(s) ordering or governing the cosmos, your answer has an enormous impact on your everyday actions, decision-making, ethics, attitudes toward law and government, and every other corner of the human condition. ...