Taxi drivers are not allowed to make love in the front seat of their taxis while they’re on the clock. Okay, does this one really need a comment? Quakers and Witches are banned Kayla Maurais on Unsplash Quakers and Witches are banned What will happen? Will they be burned at the ...
With Ethiopian refugees fleeing into Sudan, which already had 1.1 million refugees, this risks destabilising the fragile transition it is going through, alongside the economic crisis it is already in. Ethiopia also runs a successful peacekeeping mission in neighbouring Somalia, but that is now under ...
PayPISS banned me back in March. I have not recovered from this HUGE blow to my funding. At least 100 people were donating on a “monthly recurring” basis on the PayPISS venue. This came to an END when the Jew, Daniel Schulman, owner of PayPISS banned me. Only a handful resumed...
The way they do this is clever: since female chickens are ZW and males ZZ (in birds ,the heterogametic sex is female), they gene-edited the Z chromosome in a way that if blue light is shown on the embryo, it aborts. You then cross a ZZ male that has no modified Zs with a WZ*...
3) Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds– Bashar Assad banned GMO’s in order“to preserve human health,”knowing full well that the Monsantos of this world are out to control the world’s entire food supply, because coming global crises will not only be about oil, but about...