John Lynch
Everyone up in arms about Belle Delphine being banned from Youtube while WAP isn't... they are not the same. Belle is 100% porn and the message is porn. Cardi B is a musician who uses sexuality in her videos. That's the difference. — Jonathan (@jmbwithcats)November 23, 2020 Contr...
The mass media has abdicated their responsibility to reveal the truth and is now pure propaganda. "Citizen journalists" and alt websites have tried to fill the vacuum. While we all share the same cause, big egos prevent fellowship or collaboration. ( Eg. I am banned by Rense and David Ick...
How can I ensure I don’t get banned again? When you’ve been set free from Telegram jail, we advise you to read and adhere to the terms and conditions, refrain from sending adverts or third-party links, and don’t invite excessive users to a channel. ...
new to it but I'll never play it again if I'm going to get banned for nothing .. this is unfair 😒 kids should not be able to play with or against adults I know its a kids game but .. I've gotten heaps of stuff and don't want to start again because a kids aim is no ...
I dont see why other girls get all moody about their boyfriends watching porn either. Its not as if they're having sex with someone else. I mean... Anyone can find anything arousing, does that mean they should be banned from it? 15 years ago...
But then,despite it not even being twenty some seconds after loading into a server, nor having even spawned once or typed anything in chat, I get a screen saying Fair Fight has banned me and givesme a code. I've never desired to cheat, as I'm plenty skilled and typically ... want to be anti-inclusive here... you want then to not add ogres because they would not be as popular as blood elves, guess what, same way for different skin and facial options we got, it would not be as popular as blood elves, but they did anyway. LOL. No. You've ...
He called bullshit on Musk in a Twitch stream that wascut and uploadedto YouTube on January 12. “The question: did Elon Musk play this account to level 97? The answer is very simple. No. Unequivocally, without a doubt, if Elon Musk can prove that he played this account to 97, I ...