Question: If you were to look through a compound microscope at a gram-negative bacteria, what would it look like and why? Gram-Negative Bacteria: Gram-negative microorganisms are gram-positive microorganisms that have a thick unit lining and a lipopolysac...
Oil immersion is a technique used to increase the resolving power of a light microscope. This can be achieved by immersing the objective lens and the... Learn more about this topic: Compound Microscope | Definition, Parts & Functions
scientists looked at the molecules that make up the grease. They found that the grease has high levels of certain chemical compounds that don’t freeze easily because ice doesn’t stick to them. Ice sticks easily to a compound called squalene, but the grease on polar bear fur does not have...
Imagine you have caught a cold. You think it is not necessary to see a doctor, but you want to take something that helps your body to get better. What is your choice of remedy? There are many options provided by conventional medicine as well as by so-called alternative medicine (...
Fungi have been companions of mankind for millennia. Mushrooms inspired our eating culture, and yeasts and filamentous fungi were developed into highly efficient cell factories during the last 100 years to produce many products utilized in different indu
R21 is a modified version of Mosquirix. It seeks to elicit an antibody response by introducing a protein that malaria parasites make in their sporozoite phase. The concentration of these proteins is higher in R21, and it also includes an adjuvant (an immune-boosting compound) that is easier to...
while its close relatives have a sweeter fragrance. The team used gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy to identify dozens of chemicals in the scents of thePlatantheraspecies. Compared to its relatives, the blunt-leaf orchid’s scent contained high amounts of a compound called nonanal, ...
It surveys the history of two decades, when different laboratories hunted for the ‘compound’ called TMV and eventually understood its helical organization from CP subunits protecting an RNA. The RNA turned out to be the genetic blueprint of the virus. Despite these fundamental conceptual ...
under an electron microscope, viruses almost look like a piece of machinery that would rightfully belong in any industrial backdrop. the top part, which is called a protein coat, can take various shapes that range from icosahedral, and helical, to prolate and more. this gives it an almost ...
while its close relatives have a sweeter fragrance. The team used gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy to identify dozens of chemicals in the scents of the Platanthera species. Compared to its relatives, the blunt-leaf orchid's scent contained high amounts of a compound called nonanal, and ...