For single cells that are labeled with a fluorescent reporter, it is recommended that all of the injected embryos are checked under the fluorescence microscope to ensure that each individual embryo is injected with a single cell. For the generation of chimeric blastocysts, the injected embryos were...
Cerebral organoids were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and incubated with sucrose gradient solutions (10, 20 and 30% in PBS) for 15 min each. They were then embedded in optimal cutting temperature compound (OCT) and frozen in liquid nitrogen. Twenty-micron-thick sections were permeabilized with...
Their chemical compositions were determined using an energy-dispersive scanning elec- tron microscope (type: Zeiss Ultra Plus 55 equipped with an Oxford Instrument 50 mm2 SDD EDX detector). Powders were pressed into pellets for this purpose. Lattice constants were calculated from XRPD patterns ...
ALI cultures were characterized by immunofluorescent staining for acetylated alpha tubulin, Hoechst and F-actin (phalloidin, Applied Biosystems) and z stack images were taken on a confocal microscope (Zeiss). Orthogonal and maximum intensity Z-projections were generated using ImageJ. Gene Set ...
Parthenogenetic embryos have been widely studied as an effective tool related to paternal and maternal imprinting genes and reproductive problems for a long time. In this study, we established a parthenogenetic epiblast-like stem cell line through cultur