S.E. Golunski, Final analysis: why use platinum in catalytic converters? Platinum Metals Review 51 (2007) 162.S. E. Golunski: 'Final analysis: why use platinum in catalytic conver- ters,' Platin. Met. Rev., 2007, 51, (3), 162....
A‘catalyst’ is a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction, and within a catalytic converter, there are two types of catalyst. The first is a reduction catalyst which uses platinum and rhodium within the honeycomb to reduce NOx emissions. NOx is produced by nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dio...
We have written several times over the past few years about the issue of catalytic converters being stolen and sold to scrap metal recycling companies for hundreds of dollars in cash for each converter. The auto part is coated with chemicals and a combination of platinum group metals (PGMs...
Silver is unique “hybrid” metal that is simultaneously driven by its investment and industrial uses. Its main uses are investment and industrial, and supply is diversified and global. Platinum Used in catalytic converters and for other industrial uses. Platinum demand also comes from jewelry and ...
Why use platinum in catalytic converters? Platinum Metals Rev. 51, 162 (2007).S. E. Golunski: 'Final analysis: why use platinum in catalytic conver- ters,' Platin. Met. Rev., 2007, 51, (3), 162.S. Golunski, Why use platinum in catalytic converters? Platin. Met. Rev. 51 (2007...