It's still important to take a day of rest in the midst of it all. The Sabbath is described throughout the Old Testament as a "lasting covenant” - a promise - between God and His people. Ezekiel 20:12 reads, "I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between us, so they would know ...
当我们求上帝祝福我们的事业或者工作时,你是否也愿意为上帝对我们的祝福做出一些回报呢? The Bible says in James 4:3,“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”Motive is important in prayer.Whyyou pray is more...
This hard place in which you perhaps find yourself is the very place in which God is giving you opportunity to look only to Him, to spend time in prayer, and to learn long-suffering, gentleness, meekness - in short, to learn the depths of the love that Christ Himself has poured out o...
The Ark of the Covenant was not fictional but very real and extremely important to the nation of Israel. If you are not sure what the Ark of the Covenant is, let me give you a quick answer which I will expound on. The Ark represented the presence of God
Back in the 4th Century, Eastern Orthodox techniques of good old-fashioned Christian prayer started it off. 早在4 世纪,东正教传统的基督教祷告方式就开始了寂静主义的习惯。 So think sitting quietly, monastically, lost in the act of religious worship. ...
I agree with your way of handling public prayer. I too silently sit or stand (as the case may be). I do not bow my head. I look around me and see who else is unbowed. There are always some. If it is a long prayer, I tune it out, and use the time to contemplate or honor ...
God Considers Bible Prophecy Important… He put so much of it in the Bible. Although prophecy constitutes a large part of the Bible,its importanceis constantly downplayed by those who dismiss it as having no practical significance, that it can’t be understood, or by those who object to it...
A Prayer for Justice 10Why are you so far away, OLord? Why do you hide yourself when we are in trouble? 2The wicked are proud and persecute the poor; catch them in the traps they have made. 3The wicked are proud of their evil desires; ...
Why is Winslow Homer important? Why is the Tabernacle important? Why is prayer important in animism? Why is Franz Schubert important to music history? Why was Richard Wagner famous? Why is the Potala Palace important? Why was Daoism banned in China during the 1940s?
Why is the Tabernacle important? Why is proxemics important? Why is the Isenheim Altarpiece significant? Why is Parmenides important? Why is Berthe Morisot so important? Why is gospel music important? Why is prayer important in animism?