Wudu is both physical and spiritual preparation before prayer, and provides 'purification' before communicating with God. Prayer cannot commence without it. Health benefits of Wudu are proven in that regular washing of hands and face and rinsing the mouth are shown to reduce the transfer of germs...
How Important Is Prayer?How Important Is Rest?How Is Chess Like Life?How Is Your Mental Health?How Is Your Quiet Time With God?How Is Your Walk With God?How Much Does God Love You?How Powerful Are Your Prayers?How Scriptures Can Help You?
Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, and understanding.” ~Alice Walker. Feeling good about your life, but not expressing a heartfelt ‘thank you,’ is like wrapping a gift for someone and never giving it ...
Understanding How to Pray Effectively. Accurate, Biblical Explanation of What Effective Prayer is and How to Master It
学会。」 Dyde returned alive on in front of the propaganda workshop once not to say that,When “I enter China, cannot approach anybody to want anything, I only approach the god to have to need.The sole affiliation prayer, the penetration god is moving the human, is the how important ...
16 Some of us may have prayed a prayer similar to this: “Lord, I pray You’d make me more like You. I pray that You would conform me to the image of Christ.” Often, what we really want is for God to give us an anesthetic so we can be unconscious while He performs surgery ...
Remind your prayer partner on a regular basis that your are praying for her. Be creative and encouraging. Try sending an encouraging card or email or giving her a quick phone call. This is especially important during times when your prayer partner is facing a trial or important decision. ...
It often happens that we are praying and remember something important we need to do, or even another prayer request will come to mind. Use a simple notepad to help you jot down these new requests (or to-do items) and then get back to your conversation with the Lord. Don’t let ...
Yesterday is but a dreamAnd tomorrow is only a vision,But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happinessAnd every tomorrow a vision of hope.Wash only one day’s dishes at a time. Crumple up yesterday’s anxieties and toss them into the wastebasket, and cease trying to wash ...
Intercessory prayer is not a one-time event. It’s important to build a regular practice of praying on behalf of others – this helps to keep our focus on the needs of those around us and also serves as a reminder that we are not in control, but rather God is. ...