Gabrielle:Shaky at best. 不太稳定,说得好听点。 长官:And why is that? 为什么会这样呢 Gabrielle:I don’t know. I hired a brilliant lawyer to get my husband out of this and he fired him. For no reason at all." 不知道,我请了一位高明的律师来帮我丈夫脱离这个地狱,他却没缘故的炒了人家。
Why is my dog suddenly wobbly? Infections, inflammation, tumors, and trauma to this sensitive area can cause your dog to be shaky and uncoordinated. When the inner ear is functioning abnormally, or a disruption is caused by the brainstem, it is often referred to as a vestibular syndrome. Si...
Driving is already one of the most dangerous things we do each day, so there's no reason to increase your odds of a crash. Besides, very few of us are able to avoid looking ridiculous when clutching a wobbly wheel. Routine Maintenance For a Shaky Steering Wheel You should also get ...
" This is the "why" of the romantic, the idealist, the vulnerable, the pure. This is the "why" of the struggling woman-child scribbling down explanations, sensations, incantations in the night. This is the "why" of poetry, when a phrase bursts through and pierces my control. A balloon...
If you suddenly feel weak, shaky, or lightheaded—or if you even faint—you could be experiencinghypoglycemia. A headache that comes on quickly, weakness or tremor in your arms or legs, and a slight trembling of your body are also signs that your blood sugar is too low. ...
intelligent, but, even if a person's talent is again high, if works hard not difficultly, not only he cannot make the big enterprise, is the ordinary result not impossible to obtain.Each people all understand a truth; The talent is 1% inspirations adds on 99% sweat.So long as you[...
so my sense is, she came out in pretty good shape." Fox News host Sean Hannity ultimately blamed the moderators for an unsatisfying debate. "I think the biggest loser in the debate, and we talked about this pre-debate, is ABC," Hannity said. Trump joined him live on...
or text is too complicated.) And all us earth growths, some planted, (Like a married uncle at a family function.) And some pulled. I got them shaky gums and a couple of loose tooths. Now tell me what should I do? My God, the clock's always ...
But here’s the thing—dialogue is more than just the words you put in your characters’ mouths. On screen and stage, it’s the actor’s job to take their lines and infuse them with meaning, expression, emotion, and so on. On the page, that’s your job. ...
Remember that shaky feeling when you first pushed code to production? Speaking at an event is similar — terrifying at first but incredibly empowering once you’ve done it. After my first talk, I found that I became more confident in team meetings, more willing to share ideas, and more com...