Body temperature increase or decrease, change in body temperature Brain Burning, hot brain, brain on fire feeling Brain Fog Brain surges Brain zaps Bruise Easily, More Frequently, Bruising Bruxism: Grinding and Clenching Teeth Burning feeling inside the body Burning, Itchy, Tight, Tingly, Prickly ...
Feeling tired or shaky Pain in the penis or rectum (men) Mental confusion (mostly older people) Wetting the bed (children and older adults) If the UTI has spread to your kidneys, you may also get: Pain or pressure in your back or lower belly ...
These may not be your only symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. Visual vertigo can make it feel like the room is spinning, but it usually doesn't make your vision look shaky or jumpy. This is a separate symptom calledoscillopsia. However, people who have nystagmus along with vertigo...
This is a type of hypoglycemia caused by fasting (not eating for a long time). For most healthy people, fasting shouldn’t cause hypoglycemia. This is because your body knows how to manage blood sugar effectively, even when you haven’t eaten. ...
The feeling you have when you are unable to complete a task. Becoming agitated, moody, etc. 4. Avoiding Others These feelings and reactions can then lead to; Headaches Stomach upset Nervousness and shaky legs Body pains or aches Low energy ...