In particular, interview probabilities are positively (negatively) associated with the stereotype of women (men) married to a same-sex partner as being more (less) pleasant to work with compared to candidates in a different-sex marriage. In addition, interview chances are negatively associated with...
Canada’s progress on gender equality in economic participation and opportunity has stalled since 2006, when theWorld Economic Forumstarted measuring it. In fact, it has reversed while other countries have surged ahead. Gender inequality in Canadian workplaces is most pronounced i...
“Gender balance helps institutions to reflect the populations they serve and improves health outcomes,”write researchersin a recent issue of “The Lancet” focused on women in medicine. They recommend “public promotion of gender equality in the workplace,” strong policies ...
Their proclivity to digital tools is following Gen Z into the workplace, where they will expect that their ideas, creativity and productivity will be valued, regardless of the hours spent sitting behind a physical desk. The emergence of the hybrid work life may very well be enacting the end...
" he said. "There are so many simple ways that we facilitate bias in our workplace. It is not necessarily whilst it may not be evil in intent, it is not accidental. People like people who are like them. Similarity and familiarity are comforting and that is really the rub about ...
68% of Americans back Costco’s DEI commitment. Explore 25+ stats on public sentiment around Costco, DEI policies, and the anti-DEI movement. Learn more Learn how to design, analyze, and apply employee engagement surveys to drive meaningful change and improve workplace culture. ...
When UB interventions cater to the specific needs of groups which experience systematic inequalities (C), then they will feel better supported in their workplace (O +), because they feel heard, seen and validated where previously they felt ignored (M) ...
That’s because the respect we give and receive decides the quality of our relationships, work life, and social interactions. When we treat others respectfully, we’re saying,“I see you, and you matter.”This simple act can light up someone’s day or even change their life. ...
P. Housework: who did, does or will do it, and how much does it matter? Soc. Forces 91, 55–63 (2012). PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Dinh, H., Strazdins, L. & Welsh, J. Hour-glass ceilings: work-hour thresholds, gendered health inequities. Soc. Sci. Med. 176, 42–...
And yet, 176 years later, we still need a day to remind society that we matter. We still have work to do. And by "we", I mean humanity, not just women. Because we matter every single day, not just one day each year. Despite all our advances, the inequality num...