Why Is Gender Equality Important In The Workplace Gender equality is not a new issue. In a variety of workplaces and offices across the globe, inequality has reared its ugly head, showing up in ways so subtle that people may not even understand what is happening at first. Labels and expec...
Yes, we all know it's the right thing to do. But Michael Kimmel makes the surprising, funny, practical case for treating men and women equally in the workplace and at home. It's not a zero-sum game, but a win-win that will result in more opportunity and more happiness ...
Gender equality is about women, right? I mean, the word gender is about women. Actually, I'm even here speaking as a middle class white man. 00:28 Now, I wasn't always a middle class white man. It all happened for me about 30 years ago when I was in graduate school, an...
Gender equality is good for countries. It turns out, according to most studies, that those countries that are the most gender equal are also the countries that score highest on the happiness scale. And that's not just...
Why is gender diversity and inclusion important? Today’s investors are emphasising Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. Specifically on the social front, you are expected to promote gender diversity, reduce discrimination, and promote economic equality in the workplace. When you ...
TED演讲者 :Michael Kimmel | Michael Kimmel 演讲标题 :Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included | 男女平等有益于每个人—— 包括男人 内容概要 :Yes, we all know it.s the right thing to do. But Michael Kimmel makes the surprising, funny, practical case for treating men and ...
(Un)Equal Protection concludes by proposing a model for fatherhood bonuses in the United States that would encourage more men to perform care work, thereby advancing the goal of gender equality for both sexes.Cunningham-ParmeterAssociateKeith
Why is a woman’s why even more important? I don’t know about you, but the ongoing scarcity of women in leadership positions continues to blow my mind. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that it’s 2019, because not nearly enough has changed when it comes to gender equality in the last...
61% of employees have experiencedworkplace discrimination, with the most common triggers being gender, race, age, or sexual orientation Another important statistic is this: 76% of job candidates look for companies that offer aninclusive work environment. In such a competitive job market, a strong...
How can we reimagine workplace productivity with GenAI? Can the tech live up to the hype? Svenja Gudell, Chief Economist at Indeed, discusses GenAI’s impact on the labor market and workplace trends in the latest episode ofTake on Tomorrow. ...