You sir are an id**t, please provide the source of your information and one example of a human dying from consumption of marijuana. Does it make you feel smart when you act like you know what you're talking about? Reply Guestover a year ago ...
Even so it makes you anxious and paranoid since it’s common for people after they smoke to get panic attacks like about if anxiety after using cannabis. Lastly, the medical marijuana is a basic drug for legalization it should go through testing to make sure it could be used for medical ...
What are the ingredients of marijuana and why does it make people addicted? Why do so many people avoid exercise? Why is carbon monoxide such a deadly compound for people to breathe in? What are some of the reasons why people use perf...
Indeed, marijuana (hemp) is presently consumed by a large number of people all over the world. Delta 8 products are derived from hemp and are frequently available at local dispensaries, and it is legal in most states across the US. Some people choose to take hemp in supplements or perhaps...
And believe it or not, on rare occasion some drug abusers have been know to…stretch the truth about their use, hence the drug screen. Second, marijuana is an inconsistent psychotropic and CNS depressant and will likely confound or hinder any doctor’s attempts to regulate your mood. Third,...
would come home 'real buzzed" on marijuana and cocaine. He would yell and threaten his son, even talk about killing him, and had done so for some time. Later that day, Mr. Anders smoked marijuana and screamed at the boy. Scott fled the house, telling his father he'd return, hoping ...
When they finally get it, it’s hardly surprising that some patients finally get some relief from their pain. And it’s always amazing to me how chronic pain can, with the right approach, finally melt away — it’s not common, but it does happen. Lots of people who thought they’d ...
but I’m not out to arrest innocent people. Near as I could tell, none of the cops with whom I worked were out to arrest innocent people. In fact, our department didn’t report an awful lot of small offenses (e.g. personal use marijuana) to build report with the intel sources we ...
You could trust your friends more than the government, and “Make love, not war” became a credo of the antiwar movement. The CIA’s scenario had backfired.When I first told my mother about taking LSD, she was understandably concerned. “It could lead to marijuana,” she warned....
Some time ago while visiting two stakes, I saw the evidence of the point I am trying to make. Both stakes were in predominantly Latter-day Saint communities. Both were affected seriously by the same severe but temporary disruption of employment. Generally, when I arrive in a new community fo...