Even so it makes you anxious and paranoid since it’s common for people after they smoke to get panic attacks like about if anxiety after using cannabis. Lastly, the medical marijuana is a basic drug for legalization it should go through testing to make sure it could be used for medical ...
You sir are an id**t, please provide the source of your information and one example of a human dying from consumption of marijuana. Does it make you feel smart when you act like you know what you're talking about? Reply Guestover a year ago ...
It’s not the same as smoking marijuana, but do not worry; you will still get a mild high. You will have more control over what and how you feel and react. This high is incomparable to that of cannabis or alcohol. You would not become paranoid, worried, or exhausted like you would ...
When we are disconnected, we are in the sympathetic side of the nervous system. When you feel connected, it’s better for your body—where it can digest and repair itself. The body does not repair when it’s in fight or flight. From a physiological point of view, you’re more likely ...
Musikka, who uses cannabis to fight glaucoma in her left eye after going blind in her right eye despite having surgery, was arrested for growing marijuana in 1988. At her trial, Musikka's doctor testified and she was acquitted. She applied and was approved to get legal cannabis cigarettes ...
I don’t whether or not you traveled in a small group, but if you did, this may have contributed to some of the extreme activity you witnessed. I traveled to Morocco this past summer and I can say that Morocco is not as intense but I did feel paranoid in some areas. I think the ...
5 years this went on for and even though I am still very sick it does get better. I can leave my house now but still feel anxious, but hay that’s a big step, also I can have people in my house now and feel comfortable. best advise I can give for this phobia is keep doing ...
Reid’s experience might seem surprising given thatone of the factorsdriving the widespread consumption of cannabis, which is used byone in eight Americans, is the search for mental relaxation and well-being. But if you’re around weed enough, you likely know someone like Reid, a person who ...