If cells are exposed to an addictive substance, what might you expect to happen to those cells? What is the significance of the CYP450 system on the metabolism of drugs? What does it mean for a population to be susceptible to a drug? What is TetM and to what does it confer resistance...
Many cats will enjoy extra toys and climbing equipment. You may want to consider purchasing a variety of toys and switching them out regularly so that your cat does not get bored. Of course, you should rule out other health problems before you assume that your feline is simply bored. While...
Feeling hungry right after eating should typically only happen here and there, however, says gastroenterologist Roshini Raj, M.D. “You really shouldn’t be on a regular basis, so if you are, look at your diet.” After eating, you should feel full and satisfied. If you don’t, it’...
Explain why you think this. Describe two specific situations where it would be necessary for signal transduction to happen very rapidly. What is crossing over? Where does crossing over occur? Why are phylogenetic diagrams used by cladists? What purpose do they serve? How do standard precautions ...
A striking example of what can happen when an animal is mobile has been provided by the work on the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) moving from a marine to a freshwater environment (Foster and Wund, 2011). The developmental break-out may provide radically new opportunities for...
Where Does The Future Nutritional Breakthroughs Lie? Best Diabetic Meal Plan Tips & Strategies 24 Genius Ways To Keep Food Fresh Longer About Nicole Justus, RN, BSN Nicole Justus is a board certified registered nurse. She has helped patients with diabetes for past 15 years. She's also one of...
What does diabetic coma feel like? The severe symptoms of uncontrolled blood sugar that can come before a diabetic coma includevomiting, difficulty breathing, confusion, weakness, and dizziness. At what sugar level is diabetic coma? A diabetic coma could happen when your blood sugar getstoo high...
This can happen in people taking long-acting insulins if they have not eaten a snack before bed. When you sleep, your sugar levels drop, and your body releases hormones to counteract this drop. As a result, you wake up with higher sugar levels than anticipated. ...
It should come as no surprise that we’re living in a high-stress time that seems to value busyness and full schedules. With this way of living can come a heavy mental and emotional burden. The mind is a powerful thing. Left unmanaged, chronic stress, anxiety, and depressioncan ultimately...
What will happen to the cells and bodies of athletes and bodybuilders when they stop the sport? How does the combination of tapering and carbohydrate loading affect endurance performance? Explain why exercise is an example of both kinetic and potential energy? Explain the...