The average public school teacher in the United States may have 15-30 students in the same classroom. Even though students are placed into certain grade levels based on age, skills will vary widely depending on each student's individual preparation and the support each stud...
Formal education is not universal. In fact, there are many places in the world where people can not get a formal education. One of these is Somalia... Learn more about this topic: Strategies for Teaching ELL Students with Interrupted Formal Education from...
1 Page Open Document I think that the decision in the case resulted in equal and quality education for students learning English because it provided a better quality instruction to satisfy the needs of ELL students. The State of Arizona fails to meet the decision in Lau for the reason that ...
It might feel as though pupils are victims of over-testing – but what we’re not doing is testing their potential, argues one US psychologist. Joni Lakin tells Irena Barker how cognitive ability testing allows teachers to target strengths and weaknesses, and can even help to close the disadv...
ParentSquare has been an invaluable resource, keeping us connected with parents and students throughout our response. The program is easy to use for staff and teachers as well as our families. The flexibility of the platform and responsiveness of the support team has been a key component to ...
What is the first thing you do to get oriented? You look around. You look for people, maps, and signs to guide you. That’s exactly what your ELL students need throughout your lesson and throughout the school year. Without visuals, they don’t get that sense of relief when finding ...
Researchers from Comell University think that it is because spice plants contain some important chemicals. These chemicals can kill bacteria which spoil food. "Most common spices like garlic, onion, and hot peppers can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food." Explains one of the biolo...
I guess all I’ll do now is what I’ve been doing a lot the past few days : is, necessarily,Historical – namely,dialectic. The project would be application of the perceived rules of Historical transformation by dialectic – Heg...
Doyouhaveanyproblemsinyourdailylife?Whatproblemsdoyou have?Howdoyousolvethem?Givesomeadvice.What’sthematterwithher?Shehasasorethroat.Whatshouldshedo?Sheshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney.What’sthematter?Ihavea__so_r_e__b_a_c_k.Youshould_s_e_e_a__d_o_c_to_r__.Youshouldn't___e_x_e_...
If we want our students to learn new vocabulary, Trelease says there are only two efficient ways to do this: either by seeing the words or by hearing them. For ELLs, read alouds offer a way to hear many new vocabulary words while the teacher is there to support meaning with comprehensibl...