I regularly check out our “sun garden” in the backyard to see what is going on, and there I commonly find small herds ofBoxelder Bugs(Boisea trivittata) as shown with this group of nymphs. Boxelder Bugs feed on the developing seeds of various trees, not just Boxelder trees, and the...
Fuck me. Once I got my shit together well enough to continue on I had to wonder why the lofting Land O Lakes hadn’t killed me because of all the people you can think of that would be killed by a big ass bucket of flying butter you know that would be me. Everyone who knows me ...
Click on save, then go over to the Wireless Security page. Enter the wireless security settings for your main router, then enter the details for your new repeater’s signal. Lastly, we need to make sure that your repeater is connected to your main router. To do that, go to Status > ...