Stink bugs, as their name implies, are known for the unpleasant odor they emit. You might wonder what causes these creatures to smell so bad and how this feature benefits them in the wild. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the stink of these bugs and how this unique ch...
When someone "bugs out," he could be freaking out or getting the heck out of dodge. Maybe you've had a nasty "stomach bug." Flying, crawling, scuttling, scurrying, creeping, crawling, dangling, swinging, swimming bugs. Why would people want to spend their lives in close contact with ...
Bugs will eat them! Silverfish and moths will be your arch nemeses. People rarely run into these problems, particularly if the items are stuffed in a backpack, but it’s worth taking into consideration if you happen to see bugs like these. On the upside, merino wool is flame-resistant (...
It’s hard to think of a critter that inspires as much hyperbolic hysteria as the brown recluse spider. They’re pretty much universally hated. If you believe the tales, these small arachnids are biting people all day, every day, producing massive, stink