Why is the Holocaust the most well-known genocide? Why were Jews targeted during the Holocaust? Why is the Holocaust significant in history? Why did the Holocaust end? Why do some people say the Holocaust never happened? Why did the Holocaust last so long?
Why did the Ottoman Empire join WW1? Why were the Mayans targeted in the Guatemalan Genocide? Why do some people say the Holocaust never happened? Why did the Ottoman Empire expand? Why didn't the U.S. sign the Genocide Convention?
Psychopaths typically deny or minimize their deception once it’s discovered. This strategy, Forward maintains, constitutes a power game which has several negative implications for the person being duped: 1) she didn’t see what she saw; 2) she didn’t hear what she heard; 3) she ...
anti-Zionism and “Israel-is-an-apartheid-state” stands. Its leaders regularly call for the destruction of Israel, a one-state solution (i.e., Palestine), and sometimes deny the Holocaust. Here’s one quote (there are endnotes
You also find it in the call from some quarters for Orthodox Christians to maintain an ecumenical posture of interminable “openness” — despite St. Paul stating rather emphatically that “after admonishing [a heretic] once or twice, have nothing more to do with him; he is self-condemned” ...
The Holocaust was evil and wrong, no matter how many people say otherwise. Then maybe it’s tied to biology. Some evolutionists claim morals are an evolutionary byproduct; that we invented them to help us advance as a species. If that’s true, how exactly do values like self-sacrifice ...
The fact is that the irrationality, overconfidence and ignorance of some people boggles the mind. If this sad fact is brought home to me by e.g. reading some comments on the internet or listening to certain students in my classes, I sometimes completely lose my faith in humanity. Of ...
Some of the strongest evidence that vaccines do not do what they are advertised to do, and never have, is to listen to what the Public Health Authorities and Big Pharma claim about vaccines and see if what they say even makes any logical sense....
Dehumanization is the psychological capacity to deny the humanity of others, to relegate people to the status of non-human animals, and so to deprive them of the protections normally accorded to fellow humans by moral codes. As this far-reaching and inter-disciplinary study...
Some of the strongest evidence that vaccines do not do what they are advertised to do, and never have, is to listen to what the Public Health Authorities and Big Pharma claim about vaccines and see if what they say even makes any logical sense. ...