" To begin with multiple Jew and Gentile sources alike confirm that there were no more than 3 million Jews in Germany during the Holocaust anyway. At the time, the entire Jewish population of Europe was only 6.5 million, and over half of them can be accounted for as living outside of Na...
George Eliason
I WAS hoping they’d make a move on Iran and Russia would simply create a blackened pit where the nasty little nation is now, but I guess just pulling the “leech” off of this country will be enough…THen they can cry about a REAL holocaust commited against them in retaliation for ...
And in fact, within weeks of Cadwalladr’s op-eds, the search results for Holocaust denial had been improved. The initial fix had failed to work consistently, and Google is still struggling to come up with a comprehensive solution to fake news, but the processes by which they respo...
Similar convictions were stated by a Canadian anti-choice pharmacist who refuses to make referrals for emergency contraception prescriptions: “I will not direct people to a source of life-taking medicine. I cannot collaborate in the modern Holocaust.” (Grady, 2006b) Since objectors often view ...
The outrage from the mighty host of friends of Israel came immediately, with accusations that Lieu was accusing Friedman of “dual loyalty,” that greatly feared derogatory label that is somewhat akin to “anti-Semitism” or “Holocaust denial” in the battery of verbal munitions used to silence...
When will social media platforms wake up to the fact that they are conductors ofhate speechin the legal sense, rather than some opinionated version thereof? Mark Zuckerberg said he would not remove Holocaust denial from Facebook, despite its illegality in many states. ...
In Math its impossible that Parpoint publishing isnt derived from {PAR}force and Focal{Point} as these three companies appear in the same Holocaust denial publication Goring Biography … 9GAG October 23, 2023 at 11:33 am Vladimir Putin ‘suffers cardiac arrest’ sparking ‘alarm’ in …...
The Nazi’s assumption that Jews were subhuman resulted in the holocaust. Other bad assumptions are less overtly evil, but may be no less devastating. The alluring appeal of communism where everybody works for the public good instead of for the selfish reasons encouraged by capitalism resulted ...
Standing Rock Reservation≈Blankets≈Thanksgiving Is A Celebration of Holocaust Where Have All the Flowers Gone? BoptimewithEven Steven+The Legends of Wilmington Jazz OnSaturday'sBoptimewe begin at6am(EDT) by heading back tothis day in 1945when the musicalCarmen Joneswas on Broadway, then at7...