“Why do I keep attracting toxic people?” Ezra cried, hands over his face in an attempt to hide theshamehe felt in uncovering this revelation after yet another unhealthy breakup. “It’s like I am a magnet for people who are messed up! They seem fine in the beginning, bu...
Toxicity in relationships can be insidious, creeping into our lives and poisoning well-being. One common trait among toxic people is their regular use ofdefense mechanisms, withprojectionbeing a potent weapon in their arsenal. Understanding projection is crucial for coping with toxi...
Relationship expert and author of 'Embracing Conflict', Paula Quinsee, explores what makes people attracted to toxic partners and how to get out of those relationships. Toxic relationship /iStock It's not uncommon for people to find themselves in toxic relationships, but what happens when they e...
“Well, I am sure I do lots of things no one else does,”comfortable with you as no other man, my sexuality spilling out around us like toxic waste,“plus, I like to touch things that I want to put into my mouth,”my smile turning into an experiment as my eyes meet yours, my h...
Unfortunately, most people in abusive relationships find it hard to leave or letgo and they have their reasons. How do you define emotional abuse? What is emotional abuse and how does it start? Like many fairy-tale like relationships, everything would start perfectly. You may think tha...
Although this can seem like extreme advice when dealing with a toxic narcissist, the strategies they use to maintain control over the people in their life, manipulate them, and make them become the person they want and need can sometimes destroy the person ...
Why are people hesitant to leave toxic marriages? Depends. Many stay out of fear – both fear of the unknown and fear of physical retaliation. Some just don’t want to be lonely. Some hang on for the sake of their children. Others feel don’t feel like starting life over, especially ...
Love & Relationships The Only Snail Sex Toy Review You Need to Read Why Can’t We Stop Dating Doomscrolling? Is It Retroactive Jealousy, or Straight-Up Sexism? Sex Positions to Help Liven Up a Long-Term ‘Ship Morning Sex vs. Night Sex: The Breakdown ...
seemingly negative emotions. It denies people the authentic support they need to cope with what they are facing. Keep reading to learn what toxic positivity can look like, why it can be so harmful, and what you can do to cultivate a most realistic approach when dealing with difficult ...
Why do people stay in abusive relationships? In this article, we will delve into this topic a bit deeper and see what it is that’s stopping victims from leaving and reporting their abusers. 1. They feel ashamed It comes as no surprise thatshameisone of the main reasonswhy domestic violen...