Toxicity in relationships can be insidious, creeping into our lives and poisoning well-being. One common trait among toxic people is their regular use ofdefense mechanisms, withprojectionbeing a potent weapon in their arsenal. Understanding projection is crucial for coping with toxi...
【4】In its current form, cancel culture is anonymous, fuelled by a pack mentality, and intensely polarising—“I am right, you are wrong.” It teaches us that if someone does something wrong, or champions someone or something that we may not like or agree with, then we must stop suppor...
“Why do I keep attracting toxic people?” Ezra cried, hands over his face in an attempt to hide theshamehe felt in uncovering this revelation after yet another unhealthy breakup. “It’s like I am a magnet for people who are messed up! They seem fine in the beginning, bu...
Threesomes may seem like a good gift to give your partner, but there are many reasons giving a threesome as a gift might be problematic.
Although this can seem like extreme advice when dealing with a toxic narcissist, the strategies they use to maintain control over the people in their life, manipulate them, and make them become the person they want and need can sometimes destroy the person ...
seemingly negative emotions. It denies people the authentic support they need to cope with what they are facing. Keep reading to learn what toxic positivity can look like, why it can be so harmful, and what you can do to cultivate a most realistic approach when dealing with difficult ...
There are real benefits to a positive mindset, but the idea that we should always look on the bright side has gone too far. Research into toxic positivity can help restore balance
And even in cases where customers react to a transgression, they may do so merely because they would like reparation (Joireman et al., 2013), rather than with the explicit aim of damaging the firm (Kähr et al., 2016). In fact, most toxic behaviors are often motivated by more ...
This Is the Worst Day of the Year to Be Single Valentine’s Day Date Ideas from Real People 135 V-Day Instagram Captions for Your Cutie Post Make V-Day the Sexiest Night of the Year 35 Ways to Celebrate V-Day Solo No More Guessing: What Men Really Want for V-Day ...
Bullying is something most of us have seen or even experienced, whether in school, at work, or online. It hurts, it isolates, and it leaves lasting scars. But why do people bully? At its core, bullying often stems from insecurity, a need for control, or learned behavior from negative ...