While everyone has gas, regardless of where or who they are, it's also worth noting that people continue to fart even after they are dead. After the rest of your body dies, the bacteria in your gut are still trying to break down food, and will continue to do so for a while. Even...
Why do we fart? Sure it's funny, and we know that everyone does it, but where do farts come from exactly? Why do farts stink? Human gas has long been the subject of many jokes, but most people don't full understand the whole process behind it, or the genuinely vital purpose that ...
Pelvic inflammatory disease 2. You Could Have IBS Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, often causessevere abdominal cramps, whether or not you're working out, and it's more common in people with uteruses. We Recommend Does Exercise Change Your Period? It may lighten or shorten your flow, or ...
Some people may push out their tampons whilst making a bowel movement because of the strain. You could opt for a different menstrual product, like a menstrual cup, which is more likely to stay put. Do I have to change my tampon after every poop? This is entirely up to you. If you g...
Why Do So Many Have to Stomach IBS ... and Is There Easy Relief for Sufferers?
Why do I get trapped wind all the time? Excessive flatulence can be caused byswallowing more air than usual or eating food that's difficult to digest. It can also be related to an underlying health problem affecting the digestive system, such as recurring indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome...
How do you fix a growling stomach? If your growling stomach is not the result of an underlying health condition, you can try to fix the noise with these 11 tips: 1. Eat Stomach growling is often your body signaling that you are hungry or have low blood sugar. If you haven’t had...
索希和迪尔都指出,患有肠易激综合症(IBS)与炎症性肠病(IBD)的人会对肠道运动变化和“喷射”更加敏感。女性患肠易激综合症的概率高于男性,因此女性的排便会更常受影响。 People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are more sensitive to motility issues and flare-ups,...
Do you experience a lot of hunger, mood swings, fatigue, brain fog and so on? Some people get exhilarated and righteous. They start to believe that they don't need food. This is one of the precursors of anorexia. Another thing is that because IF limits just when you eat, it’s ...
A 2008 study by Imperial College London found that people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have a higher than usual number of chili pepper pain receptors, which is why some people's IBS symptoms worsen after eating spicy food.6 Fatty foods might also be the culprit. Compar...